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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Farmers of the Moor: A Second Look

     So I had a chance to play Agricola: Farmers of the Moor with the (ahem) correct rules yeterday.  This time, the expansion went from a take-it-or-leave it nothing-special type game, to a fantastic addition to the humble farm. 

    A full review will be coming in the future, but my initial thoughts are that this is an excellent addition to Agricola.  Like the Cities & Knights expansion for Catan, I don't see myself playing the base game without it any longer. 

Full discussion after the jump.

     The key difference from the last time I played is that players are allowed to take special actions (such as turning forests into wood or plowed fields, or turning moor tiles into fuel) without using a person action.  While it takes their turn moving through the board, they still have their people back home to take additional turns.  In that way, a player risks losing a potentially lucrative board space to an opponent in return for an extra action.  This creates just the right amount of tension so that players aren't constantly fighting over special actions. 

     Perhaps most interestingly, it allows the player to manipulate turn order.  In one instance, I needed to build fences and the player going first took the build fences action.  That could have potentially cost me the game.  But, I had an occupation that allowed me to select an action space and then, when I take that action, I would also get to build fences.  If I played that occupation early, I risked someone going on that space just to prevent me from building fences.  So I took special actions until I was the only one with person actions left.  Then I played the occupation with my first guy, and built fences on the second action with my second guy. 

     Overall, this expansion added a lot of depth to Agricola.  With my first (correct) play under my belt, I can say that I look forward to many future games.
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